Principles of HACCP
1.Analyze Hazards
Analyze the whole food production process and identify hazards posed to the safety of food
2.Determine Critical Control Points
Determine critical control points of which hazards can be controlled or eliminated. Common CCP’s in food production are in the following process steps: Purchase of raw materials
Cold storage of raw materials
Cold and hot holding of prepared foods

3.Establish limits for CCP’s
Establish a set of clear limits of CCP’s for the food to comply with. These can be limits of cooking temperature, cooking time and physical properties.
Eg., Food Color, appearance, texture etc.,
4.Establish monitoring procedures for CCP’s
The purpose of monitoring procedures is to assure that the food meets the limits set for CCP’s
E.g., The temperature limit or cooking or cooling time limit
Major monitoring procedures include visual inspections and physical measurements such as temperature reading. Besides, the frequency and time of the monitoring procedures should be specified.
5.Establish corrective actions
Establish corrective actions in the advance for CCP’s so as to correct deviations of the limits quickly and prevent unsafe products from entering into the market.
6.Establish verification procedures
Establish verification procedures to ensure that the HACCP system is functioning properly.
7.Establish a record system
A HACCP system should be supported by comprehensive, effective and accurate records for the reference and review. They include records on food product safety, process steps, food storage, monitoring and corrective actions etc.,
If your Interested to join the HACCP training in Saudi Arabia , please reach us