One-stop solution for NEBOSH Courses.

From NEBOSH Health & Safety at Work Award (Level 2) to NEBOSH International Diploma in OHS (Level 6).


Nebosh Courses
in Saudi Arabia

Most Sought-After Qualification by Profession And Recruiter

The National Examination Board on Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) globally recognized UK awarding Board offers range of vocational HSE Qualification world-wide to cater all levels of professionals in varied industrial background.

Green World Group is the accredited NEBOSH Gold Learning Partner in Saudi Arabia delivers various levels of NEBOSH Certificate Training in RiyadhJubailDammamYanbuJizan, and Al Khobar regular classroom, virtual/live online training, e-learning and in-company training with expert tutor support and international standard course materials developed by leading HSE professionals.


دورات نيبوش
في المملكه العربيه السعوديه

المؤهل الأكثر رواجًا من قبل المهنة والقائم بالتوظيف

يقدممجلسالامتحاناتالوطنيللسلامةوالصحةالمهنية (NEBOSH) المعترفبهعالميًافيالمملكةالمتحدةمجموعةمنمؤهلات HSE المهنيةفيجميعأنحاءالعالملتلبيةجميعمستوياتالمهنيينفيخلفياتصناعيةمتنوعة.

مجموعة العالم الأخضر هي شريك التعلم الذهبي المعتمد من NEBOSH في المملكة العربية السعودية وتقدم مستويات مختلفة من التدريب على شهادة NEBOSH في الرياض والجبيل والدمام وينبع وجيزان والخبر، والتدريب الافتراضي / المباشر عبر الإنترنت، والتعليم الإلكتروني والتدريب داخل الشركات مع دعم المعلمين الخبراء ومواد الدورة التدريبية القياسية الدولية التي طورها متخصصون بارزون في الصحة والسلامة والبيئة.


Accredited Gold Learning Partner

We had trained more than 57,333 learners till date and 1800+ NEBOSH IGC Batched Conducted to the learners from 195 countries. We also provide In-company NEBOSH training as well globally.

Popular Course

Acknowledged By Leading HSE Awarding Bodies – IOSH & IIRSM

NEBOSH International General Certificate is the popular internationally reputed HSE Qualification ideal for students and workers who wish to improvise their skills and efficiency towards Occupational Health and Safety Management. A Level 3 NEBOSH certificate tailored to fit all industrial backgrounds, learners can gain theoretical and practical information on various risks, dangers, hazards, and health issues associated with different kinds of occupations.

NEBOSH IGC qualification in Saudi Arabia doesn’t need any prior HSE knowledge, & these qualifications become the perfect base for those who want to pursue NEBOSH International Diploma (Level 6)

شريك التعلم الذهبي المعتمد

لقد قمنا بتدريب أكثر من 54,441 متعلمًا حتى الآن و 1800+ من NEBOSH IGC تم إجراؤه للمتعلمين من 195 دولة. كما نقدم تدريب NEBOSH داخل الشركة أيضًا على مستوى العالم.

دورة شعبية

تم الاعتراف بها من قبل هيئات منح الصحة والسلامة والبيئة الرائدة – IOSH و IIRSM

شهادة NEBOSH الدوليةالعامةهيشهادة HSE المؤهلةالمشهورةعالميًاللطلابوالعاملينالذينيرغبونفيتحسينمهاراتهموكفاءتهمنحوإدارةالصحةوالسلامةالمهنية. شهادة NEBOSH منالمستوى 3 مصممةلتناسبجميعالخلفياتالصناعية، يمكنللمتعلمينالحصولعلىمعلوماتنظريةوعمليةحولمختلفالمخاطروالمخاطروالقضاياالصحيةالمرتبطةبأنواعمختلفةمنالمهن

لا يحتاج مؤهل NEBOSH IGC في المملكة العربية السعودية إلى أي معرفة سابقة بالصحة والسلامة والبيئة، وتصبح هذه المؤهلات قاعدة مثالية لأولئك الذين يرغبون في متابعة دبلوم NEBOSH الدولي

NEBOSH IGC Now Available Arabic Language


Interactive IGC Course Module with Integrated Arabic Audio based Lectures

Interactive IGC Course Module with Integrated Arabic Audio based Lectures

  • Personalized tutor Support
  • Formative Assessment
  • Wealth of E-Resource
  • Mock – OBE
  • 24/7 Access from any device
  • Study whenever and wherever
  • and More…

1800th NEBOSH IGC Batch Celebration
and recognition being awarded to
Green World Group
by the
NEBOSH Management Team

Popular NEBOSH Course in Saudi Arabia

Nebosh HSW

NEBOSH HSW/HSA offers basic understanding to the students and working professionals on the need to maintain workplaces healthy and hazard and risk-free for the welfare of co-workers.

Nebosh Environmental Awareness at Work Qualification

This introductory qualification provides learners with an opportunity to gain a basic understanding of environmental issues at work. The course provides a basic understanding of environmental impacts, risk control, and ISO 14001.

NEBOSH HSE Introduction to Incident Investigation

Learners will be able to conduct accident investigations, develop risk control plans, and take part in large-scale accident investigations with this NEBOSH HSE course.

Nebosh International General Certificate

The course is a Level 3 and is one of the most popular courses worldwide. The certificate will provide the holder with a broad understanding of health and safety issues in different workplaces and excellent operational skills in handling them.

NEBOSH Process Safety Management

The NEBOSH PSM Qualification is a level 4 qualification that combines engineering and management skills. Learners will learn how to effectively manage process safety risks in this course.

NEBOSH International Diploma – IDIP

Level-6 NEBOSH IDIP is the highest level of NEBOSH qualifications, developing health and safety professionals to manage workplace risks.

NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety

The NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety is a globally recognised qualification in fire safety risk management.

Upcoming NEBOSH Course Online Live Training Schedule

NEBOSH IGC Qualification Virtual Online Live Training Batch Schedule

Course / Session Start Date End Date
NEBOSH IGC (Sunday) 13th Apr’25 08th Jun’25
NEBOSH IGC (Evening) 31st Mar’25 02nd May’25
NEBOSH IGC (Evening) 07th Apr’25 08th May’25

NEBOSH IDIP Contact Classes – Virtual Online Live Training Batch Schedule (28 Days) Training Time: 6:00 PM To 8:30 PM (KSA Time)

Course / Session Start Date End Date
NEBOSH ID3(Evening) 26th May’25 10th Jul’25
NEBOSH ID1(Evening) 28th Jul’25 11th Sep’25

NEBOSH PSM Certification Virtual Online Live Training Batch Schedule

Course / Session Start Date End Date
NEBOSH PSM(Evening) 07thApr’25 17thApr’25

NEBOSH HSW/HSA Course Virtual Online Live Training Batch Schedule

Course / Session Start Date End Date
NEBOSH HSW (Evening) 21st Apr’25 24th Apr’25

Lead Auditor Virtual Training Schedule

Course / Session Start Date End Date
ISO 9001:2015 07th Apr’25 12th Apr’25


    NEBOSH IGC Fees in Saudi Arabia

    Why Choose Green World ?

    • Gold learning Partner
      Recognized as a Gold Learning Partner by NEBOSH. It also confirms our expertise in delivering NEBOSH courses to the highest standards.
    • Excellent Pass Rates
      We consistently maintain our pass rates to ensure that we are providing top-notch quality training. Our result speaks and provide the best training experience.

    • Quality Training
      A quality training program ensures that learners are able to develop the skills and knowledge necessary for their success.

    • Learning Resources
      Providers around-the-clock access to E-Learning resources along with tutor-lectured classed. All learning materials are available online. So they can be accessed anyime, anywhere.

    • 1800+ NEBOSH IGC Batches
      Our exceptional track record has solidified our reputation as a leading provider of NEBOSH, We Successfully delivered over 1800 NEBOSH IGC batches globally.
    • Course Packages
      Offers course materials that adhere to international standards. The course package we offer has been meticulously designed to enhance learners’ CVs and advance their careers in health and safety.

    • Experienced Tutors
      Taught by 20+ years NEBOSH Approved tutors in HSE Management. Our tutors will provide you with the best practices, and insights into the world of HSE management.

    Popular Nebosh FAQs

    NEBOSH exam results can vary depending on the specific NEBOSH qualification you took and the examination session. After taking the NEBOSH examination, you will receive the result after 50 UK working days from the exam’s completion date. NEBOSH usually publishes exam results on its official website. You may need to enter candidate details to access your results. Once you enter the required details, the NEBOSH website will display your exam results.
    If you have passed the NEBOSH exam, NEBOSH will issue you a certificate. The certificate is typically sent to you or your course provider. If the certificate is sent to your course provider, they will notify you when it is ready for collection. If the certificate is sent directly to you, ensure that the delivery address provided during the registration process is correct to avoid any delivery issues. The certificate may take some time to be processed and delivered.
    Depending on the NEBOSH qualification you are pursuing, you may have the option to resit the assessment. Check with your course provider for details on resit opportunities, including the process, fees, and exam schedule. NEBOSH provides feedback on your assessment performance, which can be valuable in understanding areas where you need improvement.

    Green World Group Conducts NEBOSH Process Safety Management Training at BPCL

    This specialized training was conducted by Mr. Shanker Srikumar, CEO, Co-founder, and Academic Head of Green World Group, a seasoned expert with over 20 years of extensive experience in the onshore and offshore oil & gas sectors and process industries.

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