Identifying Asbestos Material Training
This course is aimed at equipping the workforce such as workers and supervisors with the essential information they require to work safely where asbestos may be suspected or confirmed. The participants will be given the training to avoid activities that might disturb the fabric of a building or others that may have asbestos.
If anyone is working with or planning to be involved in activities that may disturb ACMs, it is important to provide them with crucial instruction, information and training.
Topics Covered Under This Training
Is identifying asbestos training important?
Workers and supervisors should have appropriate knowledge to identify asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) and be aware of what to do to protect themselves in scenarios where they encounter such materials.
3 major levels of information, instruction and training include
Taking self-training on your own may fail to make you a competent individual. It is possible to nurture your skills and implement your learning only through developing competency, which is gradually improved through on-the-job learning, training, instruction and assessment.
Every person who undertakes a work should have relevant knowledge about the work and his role. Embracing a training needs analysis (TNA) would be beneficial in determining the topics to be covered for the workers in order to ensure the right level of competence to reduce the risk.
Who can take this Course :
Any people who are working in any industry involved in asbestos works
Validity of the Certificate :
1 Year
Course Duration :
4 – 8 Hours (Depend on the Client Requirements)
Course Certification :
Successful participation who passed the written and practical test will receive certificates on Identifying Asbestos Material.
Minimum Qualification :
Ability to understand English unless the course is being agreed to be delivered in Clients required language.