Fire Warden Training

This program is tailored to offer the essential skills and understanding needed to effectively carry out the role of a fire warden. The part of a fire warden in fire safety and emergency scenarios for prompt response in workplaces and public environments is very important.

This training focuses on the significance of fire prevention, evacuation procedures, and fire safety management principles. The participants of the training are empowered to improve safety and protect lives during fire or other emergency conditions.

Objectives of learning

  • Introduce the participants to the fire safety principles and prevention methods within their particular settings
  • Emphasize the roles and duties of a fire warden or fire marshal that cover fire evacuation techniques and emergency response
  • Potential to identify potential fire hazards, perform fire drills and effectively respond to alarms


  • Have a crucial role in stopping fires on the premises
  • Ensures a fire plan is in place and aids in emergency scenarios by evacuating people to safe assembly points
  • Ensures effective, safe and appropriate use of equipment by other staff members
  • Comprehensive control over the evacuation process by instructing staff to escape safely
  • Help physically challenged people who may require extra care and efforts

Following Are The Topics That Would Be Covered

  • Fire Legislation (Based on the country of training)
  • Common causes of fire
  • Methods of fire transfer and Prevention
  • How to use a fire extinguishers
  • Emergency fire evacuation
  • Safety features within the building
  • How people react in a fire situation
  • Fire wardens role in a fire situation
  • Safety evacuation and fire assembly

Who can take this Course :

Any people who are working in any industry.

Validity of the Certificate :

1 Year

Course Duration :

4 – 8 Hours (Depend on the Client Requirements)

Course Certification :

Successful participation who passed the written and practical test will receive certificates on Fire warden.

Minimum Qualification :

Ability to understand English unless the course is being agreed to be delivered in Clients required language.