Fire Extinguisher Training

Buildings with fire extinguisher alone will not ensure the safety of building, individuals accessing the building should have sufficient knowledge on using fire extinguisher. Thus, it is imperative that the workers should undergo proper fire extinguisher training particularly designed for their building.

Usually, an effective training session must cover right from basics on how to operate fire extinguisher? The training should empower trainees to get enough confidence in identifying fire source within the workplace also aid them to decide on how to deal with fire hazards.

Understanding Key Fire Risks

The major crucial determiners of fire risk are the structure of building and the purpose of building. Example: Office workspace will have different source of potential fire risk when compared with a hospital. Thus it is much important to offer custom made training program to face fire scenarios for different workplace.

The main objective of the training is to make sure that the trainees are capable of identifying key factors of fire risk at work premises. They should get knowledge on materials which could ignite and fire.

Fire risk assessment must be conducted in regular interval of time by experts which gives comprehensive safety auditing knowledge that helps to identify potential hazards, people at risk, ways to react on findings.
Classes of Fire and Corresponding Fire Extinguishers

Trainees must understand the different types of fire, as all extinguisher will not work on them. If wrong fire extinguisher is used it may increase the dense of fire and smoke.

5 classes of fire are as follows:

1. Normal materials like paper /wood/fabric etc.
2. Highly flammable liquids petroleum products/alcohol based substances
3. Oil/ grease
4. Electrical items
5. Combustible materials

Types of fire extinguishers:

• Class A – designed to fight against common fires
• Class B – fuel related fires
• Class E – electrical fires
• Class F – oil or grease related fires

Only fire safety experts will be able to advice on which fire extinguishers can be used on particular building / workplace to make sure the organization remains in compliance with legal obligations.

How to Locate Fire Extinguishers?

The organization should place fire extinguishers in appropriate place which is much important to locate a fire extinguisher easily and quickly will offer them better chance to put off fire. Trainees must also be provided with knowledge and skills on whether a fire extinguisher is charged sufficiently and check for damage if any.

How to Operate a Fire Extinguisher?

Operating fire extinguishers gives knowledge on how to use fire extinguishers and when to stop using it. During emergency people may be nervous and tensed so, having enough courage and operating fire extinguisher properly is crucial.

Assessing a Fire Situation

Proper guidance is required to take decision on whether to fight or abandon a fire. Fire assessment consists of many factors like size of fire, whether it can be controlled quickly, heat level inside work premises, smoke /fume existence, whether exits can be accessed easily etc. This training would give required information on when to attempt to fight against fire and when to ask for help from fire safety professionals.

There are many things to be considered in using fire extinguisher – making sure that employees are well trained up for these situations that can make difference between life and death of human beings.